Digital Service Record

Digital Service Record

Your Digital Service Record, up to date and always available

Sometimes it's hard to know where you are with maintenance either its already been carried out or its future work ... Thanks to your Digital Service Record service, all the maintenance events past or future are managed automatically digitally.

Once activated, we update your digital records at each workshop visit.

For more details, do have a look on 'Service Activation' Tab below.

Choose your subscription

This offer only applies to vehicles ordered before 1 April 2023, For vehicles ordered after 1 April 2023 (included), please refer to Connect ONE and Connect PLUS offers

Digital Service Record

No need to search for your Digital Service Record : a record of your vehicle service history will be now always available in your digital device.

We will update your Digital Service Record after each visit to one of our repairers

We will remind you the next events to come, based on age and mileage of your vehicle

And the best thing.., all the information will be handled by your repairers.


Digital Service Record is a digital service available to our customers to keep them informed about the maintenance events of their vehicle.

You will be kept informed about the next services planned for your vehicle based on the age and/or mileage and provide details of these services to be performed. 

After each service is carried out your repairer updates your record

Your benefits :

  • All Information is easy to access and review 
  • It gives added value for your vehicle, as the maintenance history can be transferred as proof of the performed services.
  • A timely reminder about services to be performed with a description of the operations to be performed
  • Appointment booking online with your preferred selected repairer
  • Available in one click and of course complementary for all of our customer

Activating your new service is very easy : once subscribed, your maintenance history is updated and available on MyVauxhall.

You don't have any account? To consult your Digital Service Record and much more, download MyVauxhall App* on your smartphone and enjoy your new service.
(MyVauxhall App* is free of charge and available in Android or IOS version)